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Monday, April 4, 2022

Weird Whale Combinations

One thing is true: There is no wrong way to enjoy a Whale of a Cod! But what are the weirdest most wonderful ways? Here are a few! 

Whale and Mac with Mac’n Cheese on TOP of the cod.  
Cheesy delicious and a whale of a good option! 

Whale of a Cod with Cheese Sticks as an appetizer 
We like to call this pairing Fish Sticks! 

Whale of a Cod with Apple Sauce on the side 
Apple-solutely an underrated combination! 

Whale of a Cod with our Chef’s Cobb Salad 
You’ve heard of our Cobb Salad, but have you had a Cod Cobb Salad? 

Whale of a Cod with Onion Rings 
A fried matrimony made in heaven! 

Is your favorite Whale combination not on the list? Let us know how you like to enjoy Whale of a Cod.


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