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Friday, September 2, 2011

Eat'n Park's Jamie Moore demonstrates how to can tomatoes at home

Local tomatoes are definitely in season..if you don't have a garden full of them, you've probably seen a bountiful haul at your local farmer's market.

Here at Eat'n Park, we're using them in our Baked Chicken Bruschetta, in our FarmSource Vegetable Soup, on sandwiches, and on our Salad Bar.

But what to do when you have TOO many tomatoes? Can them! If you've never done it before, the canning process may seem intimidating. But in reality, it's pretty simple.

Jamie Moore, our Director of Sourcing and Sustainability, walks us through the process in this how-to video he filmed at home.

Ready to get started? Click below to watch Jamie process his homegrown tomatoes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to know how to can to can tomatoes. Thank you! This was great!